$67.76 USD

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Brain Training for Athletes

If you want to go pro, then you have to start training the way a professional athlete does. That starts HERE in The Mental Gym!

$59.97 + TAX for 12 months

What you'll get:

  • Access to Brain Training for Athletes Community
  • Video Trainings with High Performance Coaches
  • PDF Toolbox
  • Lifetime Access

What People Are Saying:

Since joining the Brain Training for Athletes Program I have noticed the impact it has made on me as an individual and a player. I have learned to speak about my experiences and find ways to work with the struggles. Coach Lauren has taught me skills and lessons that will not only help me improve my game but, I will use these strategies in my everyday life.

Lara Beecher

Working with Taylor on mindset training has really benefited my game by helping me set and achieve my goals, as well learn the importance of mental state and how it affects my performance on the ice. With goal setting I now view my success in games and practices in new and more self-supportive ways. It doesn’t matter how much you already know about mindset training because in conversation Taylor will uncover something new for you to work on.

Sawyer Depew

As a professional athlete, I’ve realized the importance of mental strength and focus in hockey. Susan’s Performance Coaching skills have tremendously helped me those areas.

Gregory Campbell - former NHL player