$999.00 CAD

The Women's Empowerment Launchpad

Powerfully accelerate the growth of yourself and your organization with the Launchpad Project!

The Launchpad empowers women to break through mental blocks, gain confidence, clarity and courage for extraordinary personal and professional shifts. Over 12 weeks, the program addresses common issues including burnout, self-doubt and lack of guidance. Benefits include sustainable growth strategies, stronger self-confidence and a network of empowered women to support growth. Expect accelerated personal and professional growth, more time, tools and resources, and fulfillment strategies.

What you'll get: 

  • Twelve (12) On-Demand Modules with Online Video, Audio & Written Material 
  • Twelve (12) Modules of High Impact Leadership Exercises 
  • Program Workbook to Complete the Exercises 
  • BONUS - 3 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions with an Elite High Performance Coach!