Conflict Management Certification
Designed to provide leaders with the technical background and a low-risk space to practice empathy, emotional intelligence and 2.0 leadership in difficult conversations.
Learn More 🡢Conflict Management Certification
Envision - Execute - Elevate
Managing conflict, negotiation, giving feedback and managing various personalities are key aspects to being a successful leader and creating a high functioning team.
The Conflict Management Certification program is a 6 week online High-Performance Leadership Coaching program designed provide leaders with the technical background and a low-risk space to practice empathy, emotional intelligence and 2.0 leadership in difficult conversations.
This program is for you if...
- Your organization has a decrease in productivity due to disagreements and conflict
- You have a higher turnover of employees than competition
- Conflict escalates and problems are difficult to resolve
- Employees and persons within the organization feel like they cannot express their opinions
- Mental Health concerns arise as members feel there are no solutions to problems that arise
Our program will help you...
- Increase job satisfaction for employees and members of an organization.
- Inspiresworkplace creativity and builds connections amongst the team or organization.
- Build trust and respect and enable members to express themselves and brainstorm effectively.
- Improve communication and give members the resources necessary to resolve conflict.
"My experience working with the Elite coaches has changed my life. I have been able to understand myself better and change my beliefs to better align my purpose, mission and happiness. I am better mom, wife, freind, leader because of all mindset work and strategies I have been able to work through."
- Tracey Allen
Vice President of IT Procurement, Nokia
Naviagte Conflict Like a Pro
Apply to learn how the Conflict Management Certification program can improve your leadership skills and your teams overall job satisfaction.
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